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Autobiography and historical account of Hor-khang family, a Tibetan aristocrat family of Mongolian descent of Jing-gir Gnam-gyi-rgyal-po, (Genghis Khan) 1162-1227; O-rod-tha'i-ji was the family head to become Tibetan aristocrat family in 1942; family been served as officials and ministers in Dgaʼ-ldan-pho-brang dynasty; family heir in 3rd generation has no son and daughter was married to No-yan kho-shoʼu-chi Rab-brtan-don-grub, brother of Pho-lha mi-dbang Bsod-nams-stobs-rgyas, 1698-1747 in 1727; Tibetan-Mongolian descent aristocratic family as Hor-khang-gsar continue its 13th generation of family heir.