Siripala, the cinnamon peeler
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First publish year 2008
This is a book that delves into the heart of Sri Lanka and gives the reader insights into its history, geography, religions, culture and civilization. It describes the country’s fabulous natural beauty including its fauna and flora. Mr.Bernard Baritaud, former French diplomat and professor of the Sorbonne University who spent several years in Sri Lanka, describes this book as being ‘the novel of Sri Lanka’. The author who holds university qualifications in philosophy, theology, languages (classical and modern) and law was a polyglot tourist guide for twenty five years. He and is widely traveled in Europe and Asia and has written many other books both in French (with co-author Laetitia Buczaczer) and in English. ‘Siripala the cinnamon peeler’ is unique in its kind and justifies its name as ‘the novel of Sri Lanka’.
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