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Miracles San Francisco Dotcom

"That our street folk are angles, mystics, and seers is a secret history of San Francisco. It takes an artist to see it. Behold a novel that lays it out for the rest of us." -- Gravity Goldberg, Editor, Instant City: A Literary Exploration of San Francisco

"You'll love taking this twisted trip!" -- Kemble Scott, author of SoMa and The Sower

"It f*cking moved, man! I judge all books based on BART rides, and this was maybe six trips total for me. Perfect!" -- Matt Stewart, author of The French Revolution

San Francisco in the 1990s. High tech startups, IPOs, stock option millionaires. Once the cradle of the Beat Generation, the Haight Ashbury, the Aquarian Revolution, Gay Liberation, Bike Messenger Chic, San Francisco finds itself fighting for its own soul, a struggle reflected in the life of Tommy Delacroix, an alternative journalist turned corporate copywriter who has traded in the Good Fight for the Good Life of the dot-com boom: a German sedan, surging stock options, and an ambitious fiancée. But then Blind Johnny Ray stumbles out of his past, spouting wild tales about a glowing messiah who heals the homeless in the park. Hard to believe, except that Blind Johnny isn't blind any more. So begins Sleepwalking in Paradise, a San Francisco novel about Old Money, the New Economy, and the Second Coming. As Tommy chases down the impossible answer, he will stake out a singing messiah, bribe a nurse to hack into medical records, and come face-to-face with a sleepwalking power broker who holds the keys to Paradise. In the end, Tommy realizes that the true answer was within himself all along. His fiancée, on the other hand, is still waiting for a good explanation.