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Sounds of attraction

Miha Kozorog

Rajko Muršič

Political Aspects History And Criticism Popular Music

"Popular music in former Yugoslavia appear to have had a much deeper impact on the development of the socialist state and its successors than is usually thought to be the case. The collection by the authors from the region presents feelings, stories and memories on popular music in Yugoslavia and its successor states."

"Popularna glasba v nekdanji Jugoslaviji je imela veliko globlji vpliv na razvoj socialistične države in njenih naslednic, kot bi morda izhajalo iz običajnih mnenj o njeni usodi. Zbornik, v katerem sodelujejo avtorji in avtorice z območja nekdanje skupne države, predstavlja občutenja, pripovedi in spomine na popularno glasbo v Jugoslaviji in njenih državah naslednicah."