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Storm Haven

Frank G. Slaughter

Cotton Ranch Frank G. Slaughter

"Novel of a fighting Civil War doctor caught up in a drama of danger and passion." Florida Cattle Drive during the war between the states.

*"Spare my brother tomorrow and you may have me for the next hour," Valerie said to Kit Clark.

In a flash of perception Kit realized that it was too late now to convince her that he had every intention of sparing Tony when they faced each other with dueling pistols at sunrise.

"Suppose I said your brother will live? Would you believe me?" "Never. You hate him too much."

Without wasting a gesture, Valerie began to move toward him, shedding her finery bit by bit. With her last defense gone, she walked forward - one white arm extended in a gesture that was both invitation and surrender. "Well, Doctor? Can we strike a bargain now?"*