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The Creator

Dejan Stojanović

Poetry Books Poetry In Translation Serbian Poetry

The Deceived Devil

No sound, no light The world beyond existence Dead time

No evil, no good Everything sleeps

A deceived devil languishes


The Light-Bearer

I By turmoil into the darkness By a blazing cry By storm and conquest The Creator The Pantokrator The World-Maker The Light-Bearer The Demiurge The Conquistador The Lover Of the emptiness he fills out

II There is nothing to move before him As there was nothing before him Noble conquest Fire and growth Toward his self through emptiness he flies Emptiness hovers in him He eats her She eats him The most beautiful face that no one ever saw Too big to be seen His hand touched everything His eyes watched from everywhere

III What is the secret What deceit, what shadow What is our delusion about him We are so little with a big desire Still piercingly glimpse We see the surroundings But don’t see below We are the fire, the desire Rational nerve of matter What shape and sound are looked for in us What so we look for in them?

IV The world sleeps, wakes up, The world hurries, warms up, cools down; The world is a navy in an empty ocean. We are castaways or sailors We look at the outside We look at the sea Not knowing we are divers We game, remembrance, fragrance We spring, bloom We see growth, beauty, torment We decay, reach old age, darkness We are ice in the end Ice to ice


From nothing he comes alone, Fire and sound he is, Passionate and beautiful Assimilates into two worlds Two armies he leads Enchanting With smiles he deceives, Glares and invites With fire, when he awakes. His face, Invisible because of greatness, might, Into a shape he transforms and divides By invisible light that connects and Shapes his nervous system. He nourishes with his bloodstream, Spreading his breath Forceful and passionate he breaks. He is the fire. I am the fire, To his own self he says Fire only listens to fire, Fire is the source of shape I am the source of fire, but He thunders, flares, breaks His fire will not end When it ends From ashes he rises again

Whispering Targets

You know good, You know good is not always good. You show both faces And hide them at the same time One with one With your target you make the one Your target is your other pole Your target, the Devil’s intent Born from desire and Formidable Yet too benevolent, immobile If without a target. The biggest good sleeps Awakened by fire and the fiery blast Tempest and bustle. Target gives birth to light, Target toward which you direct your light; Every birth is painful; The target almost unconquerable. What feeds fire? Uprising mass Spins and hovers in space; A dreadful law it hides. Through whispers you maintain Your wide expanded self Voracious Ruttish Vibrant toward the target You temper yourself Whisper to yourself Run away You know how huge you are What kind of force and law, Lowness and grandeur, a majesty Do shine from you. Whispering yet, you soften A faraway way And the target starts to whisper


There is nobody to hear you. Is the journey more important than the destination The Ocean or the Shore Await you Confuse you, observe. You—the Ocean You—the Shore Before the darkness You fill the emptiness with your voice Echoes wait on the way; If they are stronger Journey becomes easier. Letters are guides, swooping birds Guiding you with glimmers. You are your own teacher. Moving closer by intuition; It has been long since you sailed But still in the beginning; You uttered countless letters You talked. Every sound—a new bird. Birds grow with space; You follow their chirping; They fly with full force Faithfully waiting for you. You send them ahead So behind is always ahead You are closing the circle Continuing the spiral Letters compete in a race, They wave to you; Your dream is their truth; Without your dream there would be no letters There would be no harbor, no shore Or a true flight

A Curtain of Light

A drop of light becomes the Curtain of light. With warmth of drops The light retells, reaffirms; By sound and scent From the light Shining pearly fingers call. You are part of the image, an effigy You cannot see it, You only follow the shining hand You gaze at one another; Faraway by touch, the hand watches you Takes you to carry you Into a vortex. Film of infinity before you was an Alternation of untranslatable impressions. Forgetting yourself You submerge into the light.

Pure Light

By myself By yourself In myself I turn to you Confess You talk Far away Deeper Into myself I recognize the resonance I surmise you, I hear your breath, an undertone I see your contours So soft You do create Give birth and fix upon return Measure yourself by yourself Your word is your spirit; If only you utter it, It becomes a shape One word—a star Another—a bird You have to whisper Lonely and removed, Too strong to show yourself entirely To talk with full voice You open up to merit How beautiful you are Yes, you are. Whoever denies your beauty Doesn’t know himself, denies himself. Farther and farther Deeper and deeper Into myself Toward you


You talk, you create Big, broad, wide, you glow Shine

You give, you take Warm and kindled

You smile by the light coming From the hiding realm of water

You come and go Unannounced

Perpetuum Mobile

Reflexes glow Snow Warmth Wakening Clamor Bodies shine under the light Wilderness calls Sweet scents She Attracts The wolf Mates of all kinds Children Arrive in the world Cheer Mourn Eat Others And others eat them Forget Move forward Pass the law Survive Disappear Evolve Ugly and beautiful both The same in the same place With claws Teeth Hard and soft skin With legs, without legs, With wings, without wings With lungs, without lungs They move Give birth Die and Continue Survive Disappear Transform Gnash their teeth Kiss by poison Attack by scent With big and small mouths Heads Tirelessly Per tact and law Eat, hunt, and mate What propels them? We don’t know.


Huge houses spring up To be brought down Soon afterwards By the people Who make roads, and erase them You run Crowd Bypass Collide Sounds Sweat Speed Avoidance of meetings Glances So enemies cannot take advantage You have to keep up Life in the forest You stopped showing fear Sharpened to wait for the right moment So you can attack

The Devil and God

Fire and chaos Free will and truth Contact, the touch you bestow

Break through and ascend With masculine power You overpower, conquer yourself

Flight and fall Devil and God Two sides of the same face



Winds, waters, thunder Are your whispers

Your root pierces emptiness You are your own food.

You are a hovering tree A noble animal

A Glaring Heart-Core

Cities shine Forests shine Whispering shores shine The world expects a glance Illumination

The air whispers Your eye falls On a distant shadow An observatory From where you look around From where the world leads you To the promenade To open the glaring heart core

The World of Drops

Light elevates, grows, and talks Water talks to the wind Syllables, cascades Birth the world


Ceremoniously springing up Water announces

The world springs from water And melted thought blooms


Inhabit me, move in me My eyes And watch

Inhabit me My tongues And talk

Inhabit me Ears of the world So I will hear with your hearing


I entered an ant And listened to it

I moved into a bird And flew

I moved into a leaf And drank light

I moved into a shape And became water

I dissolved And moved into the earth

I sprouted from the earth And grew

Forest Universe

I was an eye of the Sun I was a tale of the comet I was the water of the ocean Swan’s wing Pray to an eagle Shadow and chimera

I was the air Fire I was The earth and its memory Tooth of a shark Strength of a lion In the forest of the universe

Atoms of Infinity

The story passes on A repeated spectacle A new story

Light yellow and clear blue Color invisible to the other eye Melted and vibrant Atoms of infinity that smile

The Fruit Bearer

Darkness World bearer

Breath Life giver

Water Vortex

The holy world glows Like a lightening bug

Trees and Emptiness

From where the light springs Or thought that inhabits us

From where the tree grows All it eats may be emptiness

The Root

I open up space Growing inside

In the root transformed I merge enriched.


Endless silence hides The endlessly unpredictable scream.

Silence is afraid of its hidden scream; Never knows where it hides.

In an endless silence even screams sound silent For in every sound sleeps the silence.

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