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The Exurbanites

A. C. Spectorsky

Exurban White Flight Suburbs And Environs

"[A] volume that probed with acerbic wit the mores of the residents of Old Greenwich, Westport and Darien and their counterparts on Long Island and in New Jersey and Bucks County."

Of “The Exurbanites,” Charles Poore remarked in The Times that “the most sensible” of the dwellers beyond the suburbs “come back and live in New York, leaving Exurbia to the tattersall weskit tycoons, the real estate speculators, the experts on the pecking order at country club dances and on station platforms, the recurring flood disasters and other awesome aspects of gracious country living.”

“Or so,” he adds, “one gathers from Mr. Spectorsky's clinical report. It's likely to set hackles rising from New Hope to New Canaan. It will be served with the finest martini from Westport to Princeton— and it will still be under fire when the last guest has grazed the rhododendron on the driveway. Having given a new word to the language, Mr. Spectorsky is bound to get old ones in return.”

The New York Times, “A.C. Spectorsky, Playboy Aide, Author of ‘Exurbanites,’ Dead,” January 17, 1972.