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The genealogy of the family of Cole

Polignano, James Edwin-Cole duke of

Devon Derivation Descendancy

Title: The Genealogy of the family of COLE of the County of Devon This book is about the Cole family that originated in Devonshire, England. The author, James Edwin Cole is also called the Duke of Polignano. It was published in 1867 and is an update of a book written in 1630 by (quote) "Sir William Segar, alias garter, Principall King of Armes". This book contains the decendancy of the notable members of the Cole dynasty beginning with (and this is a quote): "William Cole, of Hutenesleigh (now called Hittisleigh) in the country of Devon, living in the year 1243, whose son and heir ...... etc." I have created a family tree of the most notable Coles cited in the book. The family tree can be seen at "http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=colesofdevon&id=I168". View the Post-em notes for James Edwin Cole to see my edited version of the book in rtf format. My edits merely correct the OCR errors. They do not update the information in the book. Much additional information exists as footnotes (on each) page linked by special footnote characters.

The book cites John Cole b1680 (of Florence Court in Ireland). The original author, Segar, said much about William of Fermanagh COLE (1585-1653) who is remembered for his services for the King to quell an Irish uprising. As a result he became the Earl of Enniskillen. The book contains much Cole descendency information and many additional notes about the notable Coles. It also describes, in detail, the coats of arms of the Coles and those of their wives. I cannot prove that these are my ancestors, but I can always hope. . . . The book contains some conjectures about the derivation about the name Cole, an index and a short list of errata. Numerous quotes in latin from ancient books are included.