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The Gulf War Anthology of Poetry

William J. Simmons Sr.

War Gulf War Poetry Iraq War

The Gulf War Anthology of Poetry contains twenty-one poems with accompanying illustrations. There are pages for reflection and or for the reader(s) to write comments about the book or to write his or her own poetic accounts. Furthermore, these poems were written to aid those Vets who are traumatized to go through a healing process and to enlighten the general public on the life of military personnel before, during, and after the first Gulf War.

This book is the first poetic account of the "Gulf War" by the Lieutenant who served in the 251st Evacuation Hospital of Columbia, South Carolina. Lieutenant Simmons performed his duty as an Evacuation Officer of the US and Coalition Forces. After the war ended, Lieutenant Simmons was given the direct responsibility of medical disposition of the EPOWs or Enemy Prisoners of War (Iraqis). Thus far, he is still denied compensation from the VA of South Carolina. Lieutenant Simmons continues to fight for the rights of Gulf War Vets and other Vets who have served this Great Nation. It is the responsibility of our Government to provide medical and compensation to our Vets...