The health of Dorchester
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Places and demographic data for the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston; among the statistics given are: population by race, ethnicity, and age / births by race, ethnicity and maternal ancestry / births rate for adolescents by neighborhood / infant mortality rate for Dorchester, Boston and neighborhoods / percent low birthweight by neighborhood / prenatal care by neighborhood and section of Dorchester / hepatitis C incidence by neighborhood / tuberculosis incidence by neighborhood / HIV and AIDS incidence by neighborhood / sexually transmitted disease incidence by neighborhood / percent victims of gunshot and stabbing by neighborhood / hospitalization rate by neighborhood / causes of hospitalization / asthma hospitalization rates for children under 5 for Dorchester, Boston and neighborhoods / percent with elevated blood lead levels by neighborhood / deaths for Dorchester, Boston and neighborhoods / deaths by race, ethnicity and sex / causes of deaths / cancer mortality by neighborhood / heart disease mortality by neighborhood; some data is given by section of Dorchester (Codman Square / Franklin Field, Fields Corner, Grove Hall, Lower Mills / Neponset, Savin Hill / Harbor Point, Uphams Corner); percent diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes, percent overweight or obese, who smoke, who are uninsured given by region of Boston (groups of neighborhoods)...
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