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The new deal in old Rome

The New Deal in Old Rome is a masterpiece of economic history in the Roman Empire. Pulitzer Prize winner, H.J. Haskell examines the stellar rise and fall of the Roman Empire through a unique examination of its social and fiscal policies. Building one of the greatest Empires and economies known to man, Rome creates an intricate chain of war debts with its expansions and deficits while bailing out collapsing industries. There are numerous warnings as great statesmen fight against real estate bubbles and market instabilities. Reviewing the centuries in a comprehensive accounting, Haskel makes it clear that Rome was the first to deal with the problems of a massive, modern economy. As America boldly reaches into a new era of change, "The New Deal in Old Rome" serves as an amazing historical reference of an earlier world superpower and its economics. Written in a clear and contemporary style, Haskell gives us an intimate look at Rome's problems, leaders, their solutions and the effects of their policies. Forward and Editorial by Shawn Strider, along with historical context that is as relevant today as it was for Julius Caesar.