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“The Scoloderus Conspiracy” is a futurist thriller about government and power, conflicts and conspiracies, and a bright university professor who is swept-up in the scheming and intrigue. “Scoloderus” is set three hundred years in our future, when the United Americas Trade Federation controls the known world. The Libre Voyageurs, a small nomadic group of rebels, struggle desperately against this super-government. The Libre Voyageurs have a spy working at a UATF research facility. Their spy tells them how to get the information to assemble a weapon that will defeat the UATF. The Voyageurs send in a team to abduct the colonel who was the leader of the project. Using the colonel’s daughter, they begin a charade to trick him into revealing the secrets of Scoloderus. The colonel is the son-in-law of the UATF’s top leader, Chief Delegate Kara Nevin. Meanwhile, a disillusioned university professor resigns his post and the Chief Delegate recruits him to join the military team that is working to find her son-in-law and get revenge. Scoloderus is a story about many very clever people trying to outsmart and out-maneuver each other and avert disaster.
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