Check Later submitted to the Boston Redevelopment Authority on a proposed mixed use (medical research facility/office building, hotel and parking garage) development project on Albany Street in the South End urban renewal district on the Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) campus; includes a history of the Center, description of the project, environmental impacts (shadow study, historic preservation, wind, transportation, air quality, noise, infrastructure, solid and hazardous wastes, geotechnical, construction) and mitigation measures; also includes information on existing conditions, community benefits (tax revenues, job training, housing, linkage, day care, etc.), timetable and construction costs as well as comments received on the draft report together with responses; a copy of the technical appendices to the draft and the final project impact report are also kept on this number and contains an historical/archeological report as well as information on transportation, air quality, infrastructure, Technology Square, etc.; copies of these items were in the BRA collection...