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Zen and the sutras

Albert Low

Interpretation Doctrines Zen Literature

"The basic message of all the Mahayana Buddhist sutras is awakening - what the consummate Zen teacher Bassui called "seeing the wordless sutra." Zen and the Sutras is an accessible study of the major Mahayana sutras as manuals for the practice of Zen. Albert Low discusses first the roots of koans in the sutras and the Prajnaparamita tradition that continues to nourish Zen.

He then explores individually the Prajnaparamita Hridaya and the Diamond, Vimalakirti, Lankavatara, and Suran-gama sutras, relating them all the while to the koans and practice of contemplating and "solving" them. Low's insights and conclusions about spirituality and humanity will both illuminate and inspire, in the way of Zen, in the search for spiritual awakening."--BOOK JACKET.