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Role-playing (RPG)

The story begins with Arle and Carbuncle arriving in the Hero's Village in hopes of visiting the ongoing festival. Shortly after their arrival, a magical barrier manifests around the village, and they are told by Saturni that this barrier surrounds the village every year for the duration of the festival. In order to better understand the village and the festival, Arle seeks out Satan and the village elder Lunae, who both give her background regarding the Hero's Village and the Hero's Legend. Lunae informs her that long ago, the Hero erected the barrier and sealed an evil away with the power of the stars. Shortly after this exchange, Arle witnesses a Puyo being transformed into a card, and is told that if the Puyo aren't turned back by the next day they will remain cards forever. She resolves to take the Puyo cards and turn them back to their real selves.

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