Greg LeMond's Bicycle Adventure
Video Game • •
To cycling enthusiasts everywhere!
Prepare to go on the bike ride of all time. These diskettes contain a Knowledge Adventure Interactive Book produced by Eden Interactive. You may have seen something a bit like it on CD-ROM. But you've never seen as many pictures, as much video and sound, as much action, that work off your hard drive. It's only possible because of what one of Knowledge Adventure's programmers calls a "truly excellent compression algorithm," which they invented and have a patent pending.
Open this Interactive Book and suddenly you're on a tour of cycling. With a click of your mouse (or cursor keys) you create your own journey through space and time. There are many guide posts but no road map. You're as free with this program as you are on your bike. Go wherever you choose, and change your path each time!
And remember to always have fun and get pedaling.
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