The wackiest computer-animated film of all time has its own classic hand-held game! Boasting fast-paced thrills and the most hilarious characters ever portrayed in a video game, SHREK: Fairy Tales Freakdown turns the story of the movie into a fighting game that players of all ages will love. Taking six familiar faces from the popular film, Fairy Tales Freakdown pits the unlikely combatants in a series of battles against one another each fight taking place in a classic SHREK environment. Solid gameplay will earn you the right to play as one of three locked characters, and each brawler is characterized by a unique (and highly comical) fighting style. The mostly non-violent fighting closely mirrors the humor of the film, resulting in some truly memorable melees. Using animations that are straight from the film, the game delivers the look and feel that made SHREK so successful. Play alone or take on a friend in this lighthearted, tournament-style fighting game.
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