A Bad Scene: Agreement
Movie • 2018 • • 0:20 hours
Paha lugu: Kokkulepe
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Original LanguageET
Release date12 Jan 2018
Movie duration20 min / 0:20 hours
"A Bad Scene" is a film compilation, which speaks about the darker currents hiding in human relationships, situations, which are practically inescapable, in five different ways. Harassment, mental violence, manipulation, cornering – these topics are current in both politics as well as private sphere. In these nightmarish confrontations, dramatics, mysticism as well as twisted comedy can be found. The third short film “Agreement” by Andres Maimik and Rain Tolk takes the viewer to the middle of the chaos of a film set. What can a director do when a small pretty girl turns into the most capricious diva? The chains of manipulation reach far and wide.
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