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[Piața] E accesibila pentru nou-veniti, ii rasplateste pe cei care-si asuma riscuri, ii penalizeaza pe cei care nu respecta regulile. Astfel, ea asigura prosperitatea. Dar, la noi si nu numai, piata nu-i asa cum ar trebui sa fie. Si nu e de vina doar criza mondiala! Cartea va ofera o perspectiva asupra modului in care s-au pliat principiile liberale pe mentalitatea si cutumele societatii romanesti...

[Market] is accessible to newcomers, it rewards those who take risks, it penalizes those who do not follow the rules. Thus, it ensures prosperity. But in our country and 650 0Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009.beyond, the market is not as it should be. And it's not just the global crisis that is to blame! The book offers you a perspective on the way in which the liberal principles were folded on the mentality and customs of the Romanian society